About Hinge Hero®

A Product You Can Trust

Pulling hinge pins to stop squeaky door hinges is a time-consuming project. Blasting hinges with spray lubricant without Hinge Hero leaves an oily, dripping mess. Hinge Hero stops the oil from landing on doors, walls, trim, and floors. Ideal for Home and Office use, New Construction, Real Estate Sales & Service, and much more. MADE IN USA!

Shop Hinge Hero® Lubrication Tools & Kits

Purchase Hinge Hero® products at these fine retail outlets: Walmart stores, Walmart.com, Amazon.com, Hinge Outlet, MyStore.com.


Michelle G.

"Hinge Hero is one of the coolest products I've ever used. I had been putting off greasing the (many) squeaky doors in our house because it's always such a hassle - the mess! Hinge Hero is the answer. Easy to use, and no greasy mess! I bought one for my parents and they love it too!"

Jan 28, 2022
Rose C.

"Our squeaky doors had become a problem in our house. I always wake up before my husband and had to be so careful opening and closing doors, just so I didn't wake him up! Enter Hinge Hero and voila! Squeaky doors no more! I wish I had this months ago! It was so simple to use and mess free. No more tip-toeing around and taking 30 seconds to close a door in the morning!"

Jan 28, 2022
Paul W. from PW Home Services

"As a maintenance man or do-it-yourself home owner, this is a great tool to have! Being the owner- operator of PW Home Services, I have used this on nearly all of my jobs and every homeowner wants one as soon as they see how easy it is to use."

Jan 28, 2022

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